Elevating Quality
Beyond Expectations

At Prime Insights, quality isn’t just a priority — it’s our DNA
Elevating Quality Beyond Expectations
Our mission is to consistently deliver beyond the highest quality benchmarks

Elevating Quality Beyond Expectations

At Prime Insights, quality isn’t just a priority — it’s our DNA. In every decision we make, from member recruitment to panel management, we're guided by the question: "How does this improve our quality?" This focus has established us as one of the premier suppliers of high-quality data, setting us apart in an industry where others may settle for the minimum.

We understand the challenges our clients face with data integrity, particularly the risk of fraudulent responses that can completely skew research outcomes. Our mission is to consistently deliver beyond the highest quality benchmarks. It's not about meeting expectations; it's about redefining them, ensuring our clients receive data they can trust to make highly impactful decisions based upon.

  • Real Respondents
  • High Quality Profiles
  • Genuine Answers
  • Bots, Fakes, VPNs
  • Suspicious Profiles
  • Duplicate Users
  • Low Quality Answers

Your Results

Which of these streaming services do you use?
  • Netflix78%
  • Amazon Prime Video72%
  • Hulu50%
  • Disney +47%
  • HBO Max36%
  • Apple TV27%
5.000 Respondents
Verified, First-Party Respondents
Respondents are continuously vetted to ensure the authenticity and consistency of their responses

Verified, First-Party Respondents

Running a 100% proprietary panel gives us the unique advantage of directly verifying each respondent, ensuring participants are real and who they say they are. This direct oversight allows us to maintain an authentic and reliable data.

Each member of our panel is rigorously vetted, not just at the point of entry but continuously, to validate their authenticity and the consistency of their responses. This process guarantees that our clients' research is powered by genuine insights from real individuals, providing a solid foundation for accurate decision-making.

At Prime Insights, we don’t just gather responses; we build a trusted community of real, engaged participants.